• Okay. Let's talk about chicken sandwiches. Specifically fried chicken sandwiches which I should say I'm personally not a huge fan of, strangely. I was raised in the south but I was born in Queens. I don't know if it's just something in my blood but I eat fried chicken, I feel nothing except disgusting. If you've spent any time on the internet in the last few weeks, you've noticed that people with nothing better to do with their lives are talking about chicken sandwiches.

    Popeyes released the chicken sandwich and I think somehow it's now become a political issue because it's like Chick-fil-A versus Popeyes. Obviously, Chick-fil-A is historically backwards in their views on gay rights and human rights. While delicious Chick-fil-A is canceled. I think Trump-- Did Trump come out in support of Chick-fil-A? It's like, "What?" How is this what I'm talking about? What a strange world we live in. Anyway, Popeyes releases this chicken sandwich. They can't keep them stocked. People are going crazy. Everyone's talking about it. The fast food joints are going at each other's throats. We tried today, - am I right? - to get one of these sandwiches, you can't get it.

    We're a month after they've released this sandwich, you still can't walk into a Popeyes-- First of all, I wouldn't even know what the fuck a Popeyes is, but if I had somehow stumbled into one I couldn't get a chicken sandwich. I think my interest in this and why we're digging into it is just looking at, I think one the power the internet has. Obviously, this has taken off especially on Twitter and has become a thing and has sustained this buzz a month in, to where you still can't get a chicken sandwich. You also can't really go on Twitter without seeing something about these chicken sandwiches every day.

    There's something happening. Popeye's I think has done a good job in riding that wave. I was thinking about this since and saying like, "Nobody cares to see me sit around talking about chicken sandwiches. What can you guys actually learn from this?" I wanted to highlight something on a much smaller scale that has gone viral in the influencer space recently, which is our good friend Grace Atwood has promoted this Amazon dress. I thought it was a nightgown because she always calls it the Amazon nightgown. It just looks like a nightgown. She sold thousands of these things.

    What Grace was saying was she thinks this became such a thing because it was really cheap so it was easy for people to participate, easy for them to buy this gown off Amazon. Then she was reposting her audience wearing it and so it encouraged joining into something. It was something that instead of being a passive viewer or just like being a passenger, in this case, Grace's feed, they're participants in it. It becomes this community thing. At its best, the internet does that. It creates these communities, but I think increasingly, as they scale and get bigger, they feel less like a community and more like a mob. I think what memes can do is allow you to feel like you're part of this community. I think if you're going to learn something from chicken sandwiches, think about what you can be doing to pull your community into the feed to highlight the people who are following you and create that sense that by following you, they're part of something and they can actually participate in what you're doing and what you're talking about instead of just consuming it. That's the chicken sandwich lesson for the day. If we ever can get our hands on this fucking sandwich, we will do that.
    Episode #163
    - Fried Chicken Sandwiches, Holiday Planning, Remotely Covering NYFW