• First, our stories has become bigger than the feed, as far as total impressions go. People are spending more time in stories than they are scrolling through their feeds. They're increasingly important. We have seen brands more and more doing just stories campaigns. Generally, your story views are about 20% of what your reach is, so you could probably divide your fee by five if you were just charging for stories.

    I will say that when we think about a story at four, that's three frames. One story is not worth anything, so it's got to be at least three frames. For us, one story deliverable is three frames, because I just don't think you can tell a story in one frame. That is something to consider. Even if they don't stipulate that it's three frames, I think you should be giving a brand at least three frames in that. It's becoming an amplification piece for in-feed posts, obviously, and I think you can't charge that much for it. It's now like the expectation that like you're going to be driving to that.

    Just like back in the day, Instagram, people didn't charge for Instagram. It was just you charged for a blog post and Instagram was something that you drove people to your blog post. As stories gets bigger and bigger, you might be able to charge additional for that, but right now I think you kind of have to loop it in. Something else I've been thinking about is that what makes a in-feed post valuable, one it's getting five times as many eyeballs on it as your stories are, but two, it's got generally 100% share of voice for that day.

    Most people post one Instagram photo a day at most. So if I'm doing a sponsored post that day, that's the only post I'm doing. What's been throwing me off about stories is that people will do 15 stories in a day, and let's say 3 of them are sponsored. So now, 3 of your 15 stories that day are sponsored and the brand has almost no share of voice that day. So I'm going through your feed, I'm seeing you had breakfast with your kids, you're running to a meeting, and bam, you're doing a sponsored post. Then you're back to having lunch with a friend.

    It's pretty jarring, and it's the thing in influencer marketing that feels most like a commercial. I don't say that is not necessarily a good thing. I think influencers, if you have a sponsored post happening on a certain day, I think you should be vastly cutting down the amount of stories that you're doing that day and giving that brand a larger share of voice in your stories on that day. Because, again, if you're doing 3 of 15, and if the 3 are at the end of the day, the chances that someone even gets through your stories, all 12 of them, to get to the sponsored post is really low because they just drop off every single story.

    So the brand's just not getting a huge amount of value. I would consider, especially if you're getting paid, and it's a decent payday, I would consider at least having the amount of stories you're doing that day. I think we will get to a point where brands will start to ask that you're not doing any other stories that day, because I think every subsequent story that you publish makes the ones that you published before less memorable and less interesting. I think if you're making money off of those things especially, you need to think about making sure that brand is getting value.

    That's one point on stories. Another quick one is that on stories specifically, I think you really need to think about how to sell that product service good, whatever it is, to your audience. We talked about this thing, conversational conversion, which is like if I'm convincing you to become a customer of a brand and I'm just your friend, I'm going to talk about that in a certain way. Try and use that same tone, that same vocabulary, and the same structure of your pitch to talk to your audience about why to use a product.

    Especially on stories if you're talking to camera and you're just spitting off key messaging with the brand's put out, it doesn't sound authentic. So you definitely have to talk to your brand partners and say, "Okay. Here's my in-feed post for my stories. I want to do something a little more conversational, a little more authentic, here's what I'm thinking". Pass it by them before you do that, but I think it's going to be much more effective.

    If you were going to give a brand more share voice, I would 100% say, "Hey, just so you know something we do or I do when I work with brands, is that I'm going to cut down the amount of stories I do that day to make sure that you're going to get as many views as possible and that you get to kind of take ownership over my feed for that day". You definitely want to call it out if you're doing it. It's going to make you look awesome. No influencers are doing this is. Literally no one has ever said this to us ever.

    It's going to make you look great. I think it's going to make the partnership go better. It's going to make you memorable. Tell them that you're doing it, you're not charging for it. This is something you do to make sure things work. They're going to look at you and say like, "Oh, this person's like looking out for me. That's great". So.
    Episode #138
    - Sponsored Instagram Stories, Passion vs. Engagement