• I consider Instagram more of an awareness tool, YouTube more of conversion tool. First of all, I know this show is very Instagram heavy and I hope that that changes. We don't talk about YouTube more because I don't know enough about YouTube. I feel pretty confident speaking about blogs and speaking about Instagram and if anyone cared, speaking a little bit about Twitter, but no one does. I just don't know YouTube that much. I don't spend a lot of time on YouTube watching videos. I don't post these videos and so I'm not actually running this account and so my knowledge is not as deep as it should be. We also don't run a lot of campaigns with YouTube.

    We're doing more of that, we're actively pursuing it. YouTube is still locked up by the MCNs that it's difficult to get any market share there. That is why I haven't talked about YouTube. I think YouTube is exponentially more powerful than Instagram by magnitudes. I think growing of following on YouTube is much more valuable and much more impactful than growing up following on Instagram. I think that you won't get-- I think someone with 100,000 Instagram followers and 100,000 YouTube subscribers, the Instagram following is more easily understood by the general population. Of 100,000 Instagram followers, people are like, "Oh shit. That's a lot of Instagram followers." I have a 100,000 YouTube subscribers, people are like, "What the fuck are you talking about? What do you like, wait, what? What do you do?"

    I just don't think it's in a like public lexicon as much. I don't feel confident speaking to what the future of YouTube is. I will say that as more and more influencers flock to Instagram, as Instagram becomes more and more full of brand messaging both sponsored and unsponsored, YouTube becomes more and more valuable and more and more interesting because it is not as saturated. Just take a quick left turn. We talked about sponsored content, the fact that there's too much-sponsored content. There's too much brand content. I mean even the organic shit, it's like more than 50% of my feed is posts about brands. These platforms were meant to be about your life and brands and the things you wear and the things you put on your face are part of your life. They are not your entire fucking life.

    The whole platform is just become so brand focussed, so brand messaging focused even on the organic side. It gets less and less interesting almost every time I open it which is an opportunity for YouTube and for people that are creating content on YouTube because I do think that because it is less popular with advertisers, it is less saturated with brand messaging and I do think that the people following Youtube feeds and subscribing to YouTube feeds rather and watching videos are more engaged and certainly more likely to purchase than somebody on an Instagram account. The future of YouTube is I think it becomes more and more powerful especially if Instagram starts to stumble which I think over the next couple of years, it will.
    Episode #128
    - Average Engagement Percentages, YouTube Rates, Event Attendance