• We talked about this last night. We had a for you on sales and negotiation. The report is one of your best sales tools that you can use. After a campaign is done, you want to send a robust report to that brand. This is your chance to tell your story because then, if you don't send them a report or if you don't send them a note about how the post did for you, what they have to go off of is how many likes did you get and how many comments did you get? That's it.

    If they worked with 50 people and your engagement was somewhere in the middle, then you just are somewhere in the middle because you haven't reframed those numbers for them, you haven't added context for that brand. This is what reports do at their best. They don't just give you the numbers that are there. They provide context. They allow you to tell a story about why the money they spent was well spent with you, and why you think that you have in some way influenced your audience, told their brand story effectively, whatever it might be.

    What should be in that report are the numbers that help you tell that story more effectively. Obviously, you need your basic likes, comments, things like that but I think you should also be putting yourself from your insights, from your business insights. Put your rich, put your impressions, put your saves. Saves is I think, a big one that isn't included that should be. Did you get any DMs? How many DMs did you get about the product? Say that, actually screenshot your DMs. If it is a product and people are asking you questions about the products screenshot those DM conversations, put those in the report. Pull out some of the more favorable product focused comments, put those in the report.

    You need to tell the story of why they should work with you again. This isn't about what happened in the last campaign. It is but more so it is about why they want to work with you in the next campaign. Make sure you're telling that story. When you look at the numbers, you look at what you're going to send them ask yourself if you think those numbers are impressive enough or if that story, is compelling enough that they would want to work with you again. When to send it? I'd say I think three days after a post you're not getting likes or comments on that anymore. Three to five days after the post is done, I would try and send the report. Some of you might be like, "I'm too busy. I can't do that."

    To that, I say you're fucking crazy. You're not too busy, you can definitely do that. If you're so busy doing sponsored content that you can't spend 10 minutes putting together a simple report, then you need to hire somebody to help you do that because that's not an acceptable excuse. We're running close to 80 campaigns this week. We don't get to tell our clients, "Sorry, we couldn't do any reporting because I'm too busy working with another brand. I don't care about you anymore. I already have your money." That's what it tells a brand.

    I will say that our team we have fairly robust technology that helps us build these reports. We almost never get a report from an influencer. I think that's partially because they know we have a reporting system but the people I talked to at brands is saying the same thing that they're not getting reports. It's a very simple way to differentiate yourself. It shows the level of care and professionalism but also just a level of respect for the work that you've done. If a brand paid you $300,000 and you spent an hour on that post, you've just made $300,000 in an hour which congratulations.

    Maybe spend another 30 minutes putting together a report or even just an email, it doesn't have to be in a PDF, it doesn't have to be design, that might be ideal but it could just be an email that lays out everything that happened, spend the time. It also might be worth trying to get them on the phone for 15 minutes to talk through it, what worked well, what didn't. Regardless if it is just an email, ask for the next sale, "I'd love to get on the phone this week, talk through this and anything you guys have coming up in the future. We'd love to work with you again. Whatever you're working on let me know.

    I know holiday is coming up, let me know. What you guys are focused on I'd love to be a part of it whatever." That report is the place where you're going to ask for the next sale. Showing a level of professionalism and care and telling a good compelling story about why your content was effective, it's just good business, it makes sense. I cannot understand how every influencer isn't spending time doing these reports. It is low-hanging fruit for you, take it. That was my gift to you this week. I still have another question to answer but that's the big nugget for you.
    Episode #118
    - Instagram Founders Leaving, Follow-up Reports, Slow Times of Year