• Look, event fatigue is real. You could go to three events a night, every night, especially if you're in New York or LA. It is relentless and it's certainly can start to feel like it is not worth your time. In a lot of ways, is it something that your followers are interested in. Let's go back and remember that we're doing this for our followers.

    We have to provide something that is either entertaining or educational, and is this event going to entertain or educate? Maybe a few a week, but 10 a week, do I want to see you go to 10 events a week? Probably not. Can you really go to those events or not, post something on your stories or something as brand new day I got to saw this person, but they didn't post on their stories, that's not cool.

    I would try and be choosy as-- Now, a copy of that by saying, if you were a more established influencer, and you've got great brand relationships, and you're working with brands, I think, you can be choosy. I think you can be choosy, and go to the events that, one, if a brand pays you for anything, I would go to that event. If they give you one sponsored post a year, and they invite you to two events, I would go to those events, and I would cover it on stories. If you don't do that, I can't understand you. That is so simple, it's not asking a lot, you don't have that much to do, just go.

    We're speaking for established influencers now. Then, if it's a brand that you really want to work with, that you haven't yet, go to the event, go early, talk to the brand person, scat, say you got a dinner reservation, but you just had to show up. If you're an up and coming influencer, I'd go to as many as you can until they start to feel they're not valuable.

    You don't have to spend one to two hours, the question said, one to two hours could be better spent elsewhere. I think you could do an event in 30 minutes, and be in and out, and make your presence known, talk to the brand, take a few photos, laugh a little bit, play in the photo booth, whatever they have, and say thank you so much but I have a dinner reservation, I've got to go, I just wanted to stop by.

    That line always works. It gets you in early, out early. You shouldn't be spending two hours in an event unless you're paid to spend two hours at the event or it's just a lot of fun, like it's a four event and those are awesome. I think, in general, if you're doing stuff, and it feels a waste of time. It probably is. Each person-- Jesus Christ. It's been a long day of talking. Each person's path to success is different.

    One person might be really outgoing and love events, and love networking, and so events work great for them. One person might be painfully shy and hate events, and that, don't go, it's not going to work for you, that's totally fine. The way other people do it, is not the way you have to do it. If it feels worthless, stop going.
    Episode #112
    - Hardest Growth Number to Reach, Email Lists, Event Etiquette