• Let's lay this out here. Let's say, you've got a brand and they want to work with you and you say, "So sorry, the brand isn't really in my aesthetic and my followers wouldn't connect with it," and they say, "Can you just shoot some photos for us to use?" Is that a problem? Yes and no. It depends on how careful you are with your image. That brand is going to use those photos. They're going to tag you, they're going to put it in newsletters. They're going to put it in adds potentially. It's going to be all over the place. They're going to use it. That's why they're asking you to do it. It's just, are you comfortable with that living outside of your feed?

    Is it just that with your feed you don't feel comfortable with it? Models work with brands all the time, they don't personally connect. With photographers shoot, projects all the time. They're not necessarily proud of the brands that they don't like, but they're just getting paid. There is something to just getting paid. You just have to understand, unlike a photographer who probably won't be cited as who shot it everywhere. You are going to be, and your face is going to be everywhere. You have to think, does that dilute my brand? Is it worth-- if it does dilute my brand, is the brand dilution worth the money that they're paying.

    Now, that's a different story if they just want you do flatlays, or they-- Or you can say, "Can I shoot it on my friends." Something like that. That's a way to get around it, if you are worried about your face being associated with a certain brand. Ask if you can shoot your friends, ask if you can do flatlays, ask if you can do product photography, that would be a way to get around it, if you don't feel comfortable with your followers seeing an advertisement with you wrapping that brand then don't do it, because that is absolutely going to happen. Always with this stuff, it's a cost-benefit. Is it worth the money for the potential dilution of brand? That's a decision that you have to make. If it's a brand that you like, and they don't have the money, you could always say-- If they're-- let's say you actually like a brand and they're coming in half of what you're sponsored post fees is, and you're more of a visual photographer.

    Because there's some influencers that are just, they're not trying to create editorial beautiful imagery, they're just shooting themselves on the street. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. The account is about the clothes, and the product and not the images photography creative direction. There are influencers like Olivia Lopez, lust for life. These [unintelligible 00:18:30] creates beautiful content there. People like that, that they are a big part of their feed, and their style influencers but they also have a unique interesting point of view. I know for a fact, Lisa I know she creates content for brands that she is not involved in.

    If a brand can't meet your fee, especially if you have a big following. If you're three or four thousand and a lot of what you're charging for is access to your followers, not access to your vision, then that is another way to make money. By saying, "Okay, well, you can't afford the three and a half thousand dollars sponsored post. Totally understand that. For two grand I'll shoot it for $1,500 I'll shoot it and send you the images." Maybe not put yourself in it again, because you have to start charging for your likeness, and understanding that your face is valuable and it's something that people should pay for.

    Also if you're doing-- if you're charging a brand for content creation, think about like usage as well. They're going to use your faces in advertisement. They're going to put that into the feed via Instagram advertising. Don't think about it, I'm creating some photos and they're going to use them somewhere. They're use them for advertising charge them accordingly. Usually half of your rate. I would say, half your rate for usage and then also think about what your fee is for actually creating the content.
    Episode #109
    - Negative Comments, Brand Alignment, Backing out of Contracts